9 Helpful Items Every New Couple Needs For Their Wedding

Wondering what to buy a young couple (or put on a wedding registry list)? Here are 9 super-useful kitchen items that every home needs.

What to Put on Your Wedding Registry

This is me and my husband on our wedding day. Just a couple of kids who thought they needed silver-plated corn cob holders.

And linen napkins that required ironing. And a set of goblets that would look right at home on a Game of Thrones banquet table.

Truth is, we temporarily lost our minds when the salesperson handed over that portable scanner-gun and let us have at it. We were sleeping on two futon mattresses piled on top of each other. We had no business aiming that scanner at anything, except for a real grown-up bed.

I don’t have regrets about my wedding dress (still love it) or groom (still love him). But if I could time travel back to 2002, I’d change our wedding registry list. 

So if you’re planning a wedding, put these 9 super-practical kitchen items on your wedding registry checklist (and if you’re a guest, ignore the corn-cob holders on their registry and get something from this list instead!).

Helpful Items Every New Couple Needs

1. Five- Quart Dutch Oven:

It took me many years to discover this versatile pot, which is ideal for cooking up everything from soup and spaghetti sauce to pot roast and roasted chicken. It’s a kitchen workhorse. On our imaginary wedding registry do-over, I’d ask for a LeCreuset in a beautiful color like Carribean blue or Hibiscus pink.

What To Put On A Wedding Registry

2. Food Processor:

I would be nothing without my 7-cup Cuisinart food processor, which I use to make pesto, hummus, veggie nuggets, energy bites, and other yummy things. I’ve had mine for years and it’s still serving me well.

What To Put On A Wedding Registry

3. Pyrex Glass Storage Containers:

Yes, kind of boring. But every registry needs some super-affordable items. We use our Pyrex containers every single day.

What to Put on a Registry

4. High-Powered Blender:

The perfect splurge item for a wedding registry. A few of your friends could go in on it together, and the happy couple will have smoothies for years to come! You can’t go wrong with a Vitamix.

What To Put On A Wedding Registry

[Tweet “The kitchen items I WISH I’d registered for”]

5. Stemless Wine Glasses: 

They’re way more practical (and fit more easily in the dishwasher) than stemware. Two sets of these shatter-resistant wine glasses, and you’re set.

What to Put on a Wedding Registry

6. Chef’s Knives:

A really good one (or two) makes meal prep a thousand times easier. I was lucky enough to get a Zwilling knife for a work project, and now it’s my favorite knife in the drawer.

What to Put On A Wedding Registry

7. Nesting Glass Bowls:

I remember a friend registering for these and I wondered, what are you going to do with all those bowls? Now that my kitchen is regularly strewn with all manner of bowls, big and small, I get it. I love how these Anchor Hocking bowls nest because our cabinet space is at a premium.

What to Put on a Wedding Registry

8. Cast Iron Skillet:

I don’t know what took me so long to get one of these. You can make most anything in it and then pass it on to your children and grandchildren. And great-grandchildren! A Lodge 10- or 12-inch cast iron skillet is a good size for a family of four.

What To Put On A Wedding Registry

9. KitchenAid Standing Mixer

My high school girlfriends gifted me a KitchenAid standing mixer for my wedding more than 20 years ago, and it’s still chugging! Available in a rainbow of shades (I have yellow).

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  1. I never made it down the aisle but on our registery, we had so many fancy serving trays. Like did we really think we’d have all these parties and be all fancy and sophisticated?

    1. Ha! That’s hilarious. I think that about wine glasses. Did we really think we’d be happy big dinner parties? Turns out I like really casual (and small) get-togethers a lot more.

  2. I love cloth napkins… But ours do not need to be ironed! We skipped on china, as I was hoping to get my grandmother’s – and really, as a 20-something, why would I need it? Love your practical suggestions!

  3. We love our toaster oven, Calphalon stainless steel pots and pans set (we only use non-stick for a handful of things), and the electric kettle. We use each of these daily.

  4. We have china and crystal still in the original packaging — 21 years later! What a waste! Your suggestions are great ones.

  5. We registered for Spode Christmas dishes because we lived together before we got married so we already had most of our kitchen stuff. Every single Christmas I’m so glad we did that! Our kids have always loved them and it’s something we never would have bought ourselves!

    1. That is a wonderful idea! My mom has Christmas dishes and I admire them every year.

  6. I was sure you’d have an Instant Pot on your list! We didn’t have a registry (we had a destination wedding) but an IP is the only thing I’d put on it if we did!

    1. I love my Instant Pot but I know not everyone does, so I left it off. Glad you like yours too!

  7. Just in time! We have a family wedding on Friday and all the registry items are completed. Not one of them is on your list!
    Thanks so much!

  8. This is such a great list! And, an excellent reminder that it’s totally okay to go off-registry for things you truly know will be a welcome relief to early married life. I think my new default option for showers/couples might be a case of quart mason jars and some re-usable storage lids that can help with ANY kind of home organization. I think glass jars go with every kind of decor, don’t they? I love the way you keep it real, Sally!

  9. We’ve been living together for 2 years and getting married in June. We have preety much everything we need but this list was super helpful I added a few things from it to my registry ! Great article!

    1. Ramiza–so glad it was helpful! Congrats and all the best for your wedding and marriage. 🙂

  10. Hear me out: Anchor Hocking TrueSeal or glass Snapware over old-school Pyrex. You can travel with these, even full of soup, without fear of leaking!

    1. Sarah–Interesting! I’ll have to check those out. I love my Pyrex but you make a strong case! 🙂